Title: The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js
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The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js


In this course you’ll go under the hood of Node.js in two contrasting ways - by understanding how to develop servers from intuitive first-principles (HTTP, TCP/IP, Ports, Loopback, SSH) and by understanding the JavaScript features that make up Node (the event loop, streams, buffers, asynchronicity, prototypes). Taking these two approaches together you will develop a deeper understanding of servers, Node, and JavaScript itself!

The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js

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In this course you’ll go under the hood of Node.js in two contrasting ways - by understanding how to develop servers from intuitive first-principles (HTTP, TCP/IP, Ports, Loopback, SSH) and by understanding the JavaScript features that make up Node (the event loop, streams, buffers, asynchronicity, prototypes). Taking these two approaches together you will develop a deeper understanding of servers, Node, and JavaScript itself!